The Challenges of Financial Planning For Retirement

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The 59 million people ages 50 to 64 in 2011 will likely not have enough retirement assets to maintain their standard of living when they reach their mid-sixtiesThe Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis

After retiring, how much money can I safely withdraw from my savings each year to avoid running out of money? Will this be adequate to fund a comfortable lifestyle, including unforeseen medical or other expenses?

Most Americans, whether about to retire or already in retirement, share these concerns.

Using Real Estate to Stabilize a Retirement Portfolio

Stability and predictability are important to investors, and they become increasingly important as we approach retirement.*

House of Cards - WebDetermining how to invest your retirement nest egg in order to create a reasonably sized, stable flow of income is challenging.  No one can consistently predict the ups and downs of the stock market.  Stable, safe alternatives such as money market funds and bonds either have very low yields, don’t protect against inflation, or both.

The benefits of individual ownership of real estate provide a viable solution to the challenges of creating stable retirement income.  They include: 

Do Tax Laws Allow an IRA to be Used to Purchase Real Estate?

Wire Question Mark - Web Yes. IRA funds may be used to purchase real estate, including single family homes, duplexes and other residential and commercial properties.  To do so, your funds must first be held by a specialized IRA provider (custodian) that allows you to do so.

Such custodians are called self-directed IRA providers, and they allow an IRA account owner to purchase a broader range of investments, including real estate, than the traditional asset types like stocks, bonds and CDs that commercial banks and employer-sponsored IRA plans typically offer.

“Self-Directed” IRAs

Puzzle Pieces Graph - WebThe term “self-directed” is not a legal or IRS definition. It is a term that has come to be associated with the firms and type of accounts that they provide allowing the account holder to “self-direct” his or her investment choices. The account holder self-directs the account trustee or custodian to purchase a non-traditional investment asset such as a single family home.  Examples of assets that are not permitted to be purchased with an IRA include life insurance and collectibles such as antiques, artwork, stamps, coins, alcohol, and other tangible personal property.

If the concept of buying real estate directly with your IRA is new to you, it’s not surprising: as of 2014, less than five percent of all IRA funds were used to buy real property. 

The Process – Buying and Holding Real Property With a Self-Directed IRA

If you are considering purchasing real estate for your IRA account, InvestAmarillo can answer any questions about the benefits or process.  If this will be your first time to purchase real estate with your IRA, you should decide how much you wish to invest, then set up and fund a self-directed IRA.

Financing an IRA Purchase

IRS rules prohibit you from personally guarantying a loan on behalf of your IRA. If you decide that you would like to, or need to, put down less than the full purchase price for a property, you must use a non-recourse loan.  Lenders offering non-recourse loans have special requirements regarding the kinds of properties they will and will not finance since the lender can only look to the property in the event the loan is not performing.  Discuss the property you are considering purchasing with your non-recourse lender to make certain that it fits the lender’s loan criteria.

Frequently Asked Questions – IRAs and Real Estate Investing


Older Couple walk on Beach - WebInvestAmarillo understands IRA property purchases.  We have the experience to help make purchasing and holding an IRA property as simple as possible for our investors. 

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